Standards for Boundary Evidence (SBE) is a Department of the Interior (DOI) process where certain transactions are re…
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Become a CFedS
Our unique seven-course training program was developed for licensed surveyors looking to gain the knowledge and skills necessary for providing cadastral services on federal trust lands.
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Continuing Education Courses
Program members enjoy access to a range of continuing education courses designed to bolster understanding of western surveying practice
Continuing Education: Relictions in the Public Land Survey System
This course provides students with a case study that examines a relicted lake and the available apportionment methods…
Continuing Education: Avulsions in the Public Land Survey System
This course provides students with a case study that examines the division of the bed of the abandoned channel of a n…
Continuing Education: Accretions in the Public Land Survey System
This course provides students with a case study on non-substantial accretion and the subdivision of fractional sectio…
Continuing Education: Swamp Land Grants, Omitted Area and Island Surveys
This course provides students with a case study on non-substantial accretion and the subdivision of fractional sectio…
Continuing Education: Hasenyager 176 IBLA 252
The case involves original corners recovered 20+ years after the corners had been determined lost and reestablished b…
Continuing Education: Specifications for Descriptions of Land
(2015) which contains the Department of the Interior’s latest requirements for various types of land descriptions. Re…
Continuing Education: The Landslide Report
The CFedS Panel has approved several courses designed to familiarize CFedS with key IBLA decisions. The course will c…
Continuing Education: William D. Brown 137 IBLA 31
The CFedS Panel has approved several courses designed to familiarize CFedS with key IBLA decisions. The course will c…
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What Kind of Land Surveyor Becomes a CFedS?
The program will challenge you to learn something new about Native Americans and Indigenous People. Even if you don’t have any Federal Trust Lands near you, the procedural background is fascinating.

Dominica VanKoten, PLS, Alaska
Chief Cadastral Surveyor, BLMI am pleased to have taken the course. My surveying will be better for it. Many of the nuances of performing surveys according to “The Manual” are clarified now, much to my satisfaction.

J. Anthony Cavell, PLS, CFedS
From Baton Rouge, LouisianaThe CFedS program trains surveyors to deal with the unique problems found on Native American lands. Fractionated ownership of Native land titles, checkerboard ownership patterns and loss of access to sacred sites are just a few of the issues.

Glen W. Thurow, PLS, CFedS
From Albuquerque, New MexicoCFedS gave me the chance to coordinate with new agencies, design maps according to federal regulations and become immersed in native culture. The background and education that I received on the US Public Land Survey System alone is priceless.